It’s a long way to Nordkapp, 1,500 miles (2,500 km) north of Oslo, and 700 miles (1,150 km) north of the Artic Circle. Is Nordkapp worth visiting? No! Is the journey getting there worth the effort? Yes!

If Nordkapp wasn’t the most northerly point of Europe nobody would go there. However I’m not the first person to take a photo standing next to the famous ‘Nordkapp Globe Monument’ the symbol of North Cape. I felt really good that I had arrived there, as I looked out across the Artic Ocean, the North Pole was just over the horizon.

Although it took me 2 1/2 weeks to ride the 2,500 miles (4,000 km) to get there, it was the start of my ‘One Cool Ride’! I felt good, and looked South and wondered what adventures and situations I would find myself in over the forthcoming 6 months, as I started to ride to South Cape, South Africa.
Getting to Nordkapp involved me riding straight up the western coast of Norway. It was sunny everyday and so enjoyable as I rode north, past the fiords, mountains, lakes, and blue sea. It’s often cloudy and raining, and I was aware how fortunate I was.

If you’re thinking of flying to the nearest airport to Nordkapp for the experience, don’t bother. However, if you have the time, take a vehicle overland, up the western coast and indulge in the splendid scenery you will pass through.