What is Adventure Travel Coaching?
Looking back, I was where you are now. Since my school days I have dreamed about adventure travel and didn’t consider finding a coach to help me make my dream come true. Like you I bought books, watched films, YouTube videos and spent time researching my dream. I went to events and spoke to people who had made their dreams come true. I was one of the lucky ones, I was one of the few that made the transition from dreaming to reality. However, over the years I have met hundreds of people who dream of adventure travel, but it never becomes a reality. The dream continues to be a dream. Dreams are wonderful, and you don’t have to make them come true. However, if you feel you might be one of those people who really, really wants your dream to come true, continue reading.
I am an Adventure Travel Coach and I can help make your dreams come true.
Working together I help unlock your thoughts and potential, facilitating your decision making, which culminates in moving beyond indecision, to a change of mindset and achieving your adventure travel dreams. I understand you, I too have questioned my life, had dreams and goals. I have experienced change and realised my goals, working with me can be life-changing.
What about adventure travel and wellbeing?
I have always been a great planner. I planned when to start my adventures, what to take, what to include in my medical kit, … but the one thing I didn’t plan was my mental health. I have experienced the highs & lows of adventure travel, which made me curious about the connection between adventure travel and wellbeing. My curiosity culminated in undertaking a research project for my Master’s degree entitled ‘The motivations and wellbeing experiences of overland travellers on a motorbike’. Adventure travel is emotional. Not only the amazing connections you make with people, those challenges you overcome and your personal growth, but the disappointments and days you question everything and feel homesick.
Working together we can focus on one or all of the elements of adventure travel:
- Pre-travel planning – planning to make your dream come true.
- Whilst travelling – living your dream.
- Returning home – life after living your dream.
You don’t have to be alone on your journey.
Pre-adventure travel planning
You have a dream and are not sure whether to pursue it. You might doubt your ability, you’re unsure if you should leave your job, rent your house out, take your family or possibly leave them at home. When should your dream start? What preparation is required? How long should you go for? These are some of the questions every adventure traveller asks themselves. I asked myself these questions and many more and can assure you that these are normal thoughts and feelings.
I can help you find answers to these questions. The first decision you need to make is whether you want your dream to come true? If you decide adventure travel isn’t for you, that’s ok. If you decide you want to plan adventure travel then there are many more questions that need answering. Working together I help unlock your thoughts and dreams.
Whilst travelling
You made the decision to leave on your adventure, you prepared and are now living your dream. However, occasionally you find it difficult to make essential decisions, occasionally you feel low, you miss home and question why you are travelling. These are some of the questions every overland traveller asks themselves. I asked myself these questions and many more and can assure you that these are normal thoughts and feelings.
I can help you find answers to these questions and help with your wellbeing. Together, we can create a mental health strategy for you.
Returning home
You have been travelling for a long time, you have realised your dream and feel fulfilled. Now you are thinking about returning home. You have seen so many amazing sights, met so many wonderful people and had life-changing experiences. You are not exactly sure how, but you feel you have probably changed. You wonder what life ‘back home’ will be like, where will you live? What will you do for work? How will you fit in? What is your purpose in life? What is your new dream?
You eventually come home, and after the ‘welcome home party’, your family and friends return to their lives. Over the following days, weeks and months, you are left questioning why you came home, how you can fit into life at home. These are some of the questions every overland traveller asks themselves. I asked myself these questions and many more and can assure you that these are normal thoughts and feelings. I wrote this article regarding my experience of returning home after an adventure.
I can help you find answers to these questions and help with your wellbeing. You may think of this as life coaching. Your life is unique, and your coaching experience with me will be unique. Between us we will create a safe, confidential space to explore where you are now, where you desire to be, and create a plan to help you fill the gap and achieve the mindset movement or goal you want.
Thomas Ost
I was on a long-term travel and thought about dramatic changes for my life, when I found Dan. Due to the worldwide Corona situation I was stuck and all my plans were jeopardised. It was the perfect time to have some coaching sessions (even though I didn’t know that). At the beginning I thought doing only a couple of sessions, but at the end I did 13!
All of them were great and helped me to explore myself, my wishes and how to achieve them. It made me learn so much about my behaviours and how to gain progress in my life. The sessions are about you, it is your time and so it will be highly valuable for yourself!
There is nothing to lose, but lots to gain.
Get in contact with Dan, take a first session and you will see it yourself!
The Guardian: Adventure Travel
Let’s start talking:
Dan Skeates
+44 7747 467661
Associations & Accreditations, Associations & Qualifications:
- BSc (Hons) Psychology
- MSc Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology
- Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) ‘Special Group in Coaching Psychology
- Accredited as an Associate Coach & Member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC).

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