Day 43 -19th May 2014 leave 7.45am Miles rode 141 Field in SE Turkey – Hakkari

I woke early and the farmer came by at about 7am, I really don’t know if he was ok with me pitching the tent or not? Anyway, I gave him a packet of cigarettes and he went away smiling. Early in the morning a couple of Germans bikers passed and throughout the day I kept […]
Day 42 – 18th May 2014 leave 12.15pm Miles rode 205 Arbil – Field in SE Turkey

Haval contacted me at about 8.00am and said the TV station would do the interview this morning. At about 11.00am the TV crew arrived at the hotel where Haval worked and for the next 30 minutes they interviewed me and took film of me riding the bike. I have no idea how they will edit […]
Day 41 – 17th May 2014 leave 10.00am Miles rode 186 Arbil – Rawandiz & back

After fighting my way out of Arbil I rode north towards the Iranian boarder, I passed over two mountain ranges to get to Rawandiz, the roads at times were awful but there weren’t many cars about. I know I’ve said it before but what amazing riding, so many switchbacks, such amazing scenery and gorges. Rawandiz […]
Day 40 – 16th May 2014 – Arbil

At the centre of Arbil sitting on a raised hill is the Citadel which is he oldest continually inhabited city in the world, it was very hot but I decided to walk up to have a look. I was the only person there and as I started to walk inside I thought wow, one day […]
Day 39 – 15th May 2014 leave 1.00pm Miles rode 127 Dahuk – Arbil

It’s bloody hot! I only rode 127 miles today but I was knackered when I arrived in Arbil. The heat, dust, appalling roads, cars & lorries that have no idea about ‘lane discipline’ and there were road blocks every 20 miles or so, either police or military. They were very friendly asking where I was […]
Day 38 – 14th May 2014 leave 9.00am Miles rode 270 Urfa – Dahuk

I love the ritual of preparing the bike and myself to leave every morning. I check out of the hotel and take 15 or so minutes loading the bike checking everything is ok before I head off. The start of the ride was dull and boring, I could have been in Essex! I played Oasis […]
Day 37 – 13th May 2014 leave 7.30am Miles rode 335 Kayseri – Urfa

Left early today and rode across the mountains all day, there were very few cars about and it took me 1 1/2 hours to get to the first small town at 1500 meters high. I pulled into a dusty cafe and the men came out ‘welcome’ they said with a smile. Late morning having spent […]
Day 36 – 12th May 2014 leave 10.30am Miles rode 71 Cappadocia – Kayseri

I had a nice lay in this morning followed by off roading in Cappadocia for an hour and then off to Kayseri to collect my Carnet de Passage from DHL. I couldn’t find the DHL depot so asked someone and a very kind man told me to follow him. It took over half an hour […]
Day 35 – 11th May 2014 leave 11.00am Miles rode 154 Konya – Cappadocia

The ride to Cappadocia across the plateau was flat and so straight the Romans must have made it, I quite enjoyed the different terrain. After 1 hour riding I stopped to put a warm top on at a run down petrol station, two police cars pulled in and parked either side of my bike! They […]
Day 34 – 10th May 2014 leave 12.00noon Miles rode 195 Antalya – Konya

Where do I start what a day. It rained all night and continued to rain in the morning and after the shit day yesterday I wasn’t feeling great. At about 10.30 I headed out to buy a better waterproof jacket, not so difficult hey! Think again, I walked around the shops for an hour being […]
Day 33 – 9th May 2014 leave 9.30am Miles rode 141 Fethiye – Antalya

It rained last night and as I’m staying in such a luxury hotel it came through the roof and dripped on me throughout the night! If I had more time I would have stayed in Fethiye all day as it was still raining when I went for breakfast however, I do want to crack on […]
Day 32 – 8th May 2014 leave 9.00am Miles rode 183 Bodrum – Fethiye

I left Bodrum early and rode across the mountains to Fethiye, it took most of the day and was some of the best riding to date. The road twisted up to nearly 1000 meters before dropping down to the sea where I stopped for a swim. The women in the mountains tend to the livestock […]