Days 192 to 195 – 15th / 18th October 2014 Darjeeling

Darjeeling is magically perched high up in the Himalayas above the clouds. As usual I’m in a budget hotel, this time though I have a massive window maybe 3 x 4 metres with a great view of darjeeling life and the green valley beyond so I’ve spent my days working in my room (I have […]

Days 183 to 188 – 6th / 11th October – Kathmandu

Over the past week I’ve been in Kathmandu chilling out, repairing the bike and waiting for an important letter to arrive from England. Oli left after two days to fly back to England for work, he stored his bike for 3 or 4 months and we said goodbye for now. Oli and I travelled together […]

6 months away…

I’ve been in Kathmandu over the last few days, the city isn’t great, full of tourists, in fact it’s the most touristy place since Istanbul. There doesn’t seem to be much to see here, I imagine it’s just the start and end of everyone’s trekking holiday? On arriving here I pulled over in the main […]