Day 211 – 3rd November 2014 Leave 10.15am Miles rode 40 Kalaw – Nyaung Shwe

A short ride today followed by my best experience so far in Myanmar. My bike is in need of some repairs and service, the rear sprocket is on its last legs, the chain is way past its best, my rear tyre has only a couple of mm of tread left and after the hard ‘off […]
Day 210 – 2nd November 2014 Leave 7.15am Miles rode 169 Bagan – Kalaw (Burma)

Burma is beautiful with tropical forests, traditional villages and very happy people. It was an easy ride along perfect roads with blue skies and hardly any traffic, the first 120 miles straight and the last 50 twisting up a mountain through rain forest. Unlike many other countries I’ve travelled in recently Burma doesn’t have any […]
Day 209 – 1st November 2014 Bagan (Burma)

We all played tourists today. The mini coach (Ha Ha) collected us at midday and took us off to see the sights, what I hadn’t expected was to see the cast of ‘cocoon’ in many coaches throughout the day. I had assumed Myanmar was in the early days of tourism, wrong! Old people on coaches […]
Day 208 – 31st October 2014 Leave 8am Miles rode 239 Kalaymyo – Bagan (Burma)

The phone rang in the hotel at at 5.35am, it was our wake up call. We were ready to roll out of the hotel car park at 7am but one of the BMW1200GS’s wouldn’t start. We left 8am and the BMW caught us up later. We knew we had a long day but didn’t envisage […]
Day 207 – 30th October 2014 Leave 7am Miles rode 164 Imphal – Kalaymyo (Burma)

After months of discussions and anticipation the day arrived when we enter Myanmar. At 7am 11 people from 8 countries were ready for an adventure. We rode out of town in convoy and it felt really good, all the local people seemed to know we were ridding to the border and the police held the […]
Days 205 & 206 – 28th / 29th October 2014 Imphal

I’ve been staying in a half decent hotel over the past few days so for a change I had a breakfast buffet which was great. Off to get fuel, cash, wash the bike and do some bike maintenance on day one, getting the bike washed and cash was easy but there has been a fuel […]
Day 204 – 27th October 2014 Leave 5.30am Miles rode 167 Silchar – Imphal

Mud glorious mud! Early to bed and early up. Garth, Ian and I were on the road at 5.30am and prepared for a long hard ride to our final destination in India, Imphal, where all 11 of us crossing Myanmar meet up. We had been told the road was very bad. It didn’t help that […]
Day 203 – 26th October 2014 Silchar

I woke early and my calf muscles were killing me, it was 48 hours ago I climbed down 2,000 steps and up again visiting the ‘living bridges’, I have only myself to blame as my preparation was zero! I can’t have watched TV more than a handful of times since I left home so I […]
Day 202 – 25th October 2014 Leave 7.45am Miles rode 150 Shillong – Silchar

An early start as we had a long day ahead. We have been at around 1,500 metres altitude for a number of days now so it was freezing last night, not so this morning the skies were blue again and although early I could feel the morning warmth already. For the first few hours the […]
Day 201 – 24th October 2014 Leave 8am Miles rode 53 Cherrapunji – Shillong

It was a beautiful morning in ‘The Rainiest Place on Planet Earth’. We didn’t have far to ride as we were hiking today to the living bridges, it was 20km along the mountain ridge before we weaved down a few hundred metres looking out at the tropical forest wrapping itself around the amazing valley around […]
Day 200 – 23rd October 2014 Leave 9am Miles rode 94 Guwahati – Cherrapunji

Why would anyone go to ‘The Rainiest Place on Planet Earth’? We didn’t have many miles to ride today but we thought the roads would be bad and as it’s Diwali Festival they would be busy. In the main the roads were very good but at times like so many other places I’ve passed through […]
Day 199 – 22nd October 2014 Leave 7.30am Miles rode 195 Alipur Duar – Guwahati

Garth and I had a long day planned so we left early, India wasn’t sleeping in either and when I returned from the ATM at 7.30am Garth already had a crowd of young men around him intrigued and asking him questions. Once in a while for good reason or not we all have an amazing […]