Day 113 – 28th July 2014 Gilgit

Today was the last day of rest, I have recharged and am ready to continue south. Heiko and I have cooked our food every day and now I feel healthy and strong again. The change in my lifestyle is amazing, when I’m not ridding I have absolutely nothing to distract me from rest & peace, […]

Day 112 – 27th July 2014 Gilgit

Abdul is inspiring me to push forward with the life I have been thinking about for a while now, his stories of his amazing life, his home and surroundings makes for the perfect place to build myself up again and prepare for further travel. It’s not just that I eat, relax and smoke hash (only […]

Day 111 – 26th July 2014 Gilgit

I did nothing yesterday, just relaxing and eating and more of the same is needed today before I head to Islamabad and Lahore 1,000 km south. Lu headed off so we said our goodbyes and hopefully we’ll meet again in either London or Shanghai? Abdul’s place is the perfect retreat for me, he ensures I […]

Day 110 – 25th July 2014 Gilgit

I woke up feeling pissed off about the water damaged iPad. After two months of travelling together Garth left today heading for India, it was good travelling with him but I’m ready for solo travel again. He is unlike most Americans I have met which is a compliment, he is quiet and knowledgeable about world […]

Day 109 – 24th July 2014 left 9.15am (KKH) Sost – Gilgit

We headed south down the KKH and shortly after leaving we stopped to watch a cricket match. The standard was great even though they had mountain challenges, the Wicket was dust and stone and the outfield had rocks so the ball only lasts 1 day. Even though I had really pushed myself in recent days […]

Day 107 – 22nd July 2014 altitude 2,800 metres (KKH) Karimiabad

I wanted to wake at 4.30am to see sunrise but slept through the alarm. I woke at 8am and went straight to the balcony and just sat and marvelled at the amazing view. At midday I was sitting on the balcony feeling the baking sun whilst looking over the beautiful Hunza Valley with snow on […]

Day 104 – 19th July 2014 KKH (Karakoram Highway) Besham

As I loaded the bike I was told there had been a landslide blocking the road 3 or 4 hours away which was half way towards our destination. Heiko arrived late for breakfast and told us he has a fever so the decision to stay here today was easy. I sneaked passed the policeman and […]

Day 102 – 17th July 2014 Islamabad

As Islamabad is so dull the picture is of me in Balochistan running away from the Shia Pilgrims who are just passing in the middle of the desert – Ha Ha – ref: Day 88 blog. The Monsoon arrived today. Luckily I was in a posh American restaurant having breakfast in the Diplomatic Enclave when […]