Day 60 – 5th June 2014 leave 11.00am Miles rode 143 Batumi – Trabzon

Up early and off to the Iran Consulate to try and get a visa, the answer was a big NO so back to the hotel, check out and head to Trabzon, Turkey where many people said it was easier to get one there. The riding was good with the mountains one side and the sea […]
Days 55 – 59 4th June 2014 Batumi

For those that asked – I’m still alive… For the last 5 days I have been in Batumi, Georgia waiting around to progress the Iran visa with Garth. It’s been a combination of frustration at the lack of visa progress and enjoying the company of fellow overlanders passing through. Jindrich from Czech Republic was with […]
Day 54 – 30th May 2014 Batumi

Lazy day on the beach…
Day 53 – 29th May 2014 Batumi

I slept in then sat outside a cafe drinking coffee until midday in the sun watching life go by. The women here are beautiful. I think I’ll stay for at least 3 days and relax, enjoy the beach, sun and life. Garth and I went to the beach in the afternoon and later in the […]
Day 52 – 28th May 2014 leave 8.00am Miles rode 270 Tbilisi – Batumi

My friends will tell you I have a propensity for acts of stupidity! The sat nav said I would arrive in Batumi at 2pm. I was told the main road to Batumi was good but again the sat nav decided it knew better as it turned left off the main road after only 15km. I […]
Day 51 – 27th May 2014 leave 8.45am Miles rode 173 Yerevan – Tbilisi

I’ll miss Yerevan, it has been a pleasure to have stayed there, everyone has been great and I have made many friends. There aren’t many cities I think ‘it would be good to live here’ but Yerevan is one of them. As I rode away I had the weather on my side, blue skies a […]
Day 50 – 26th May 2014 leave 9.30am Miles rode 188 Yerevan – mountains & back.

I felt down all bloody morning and couldn’t work out why I was riding my bike around the country when it looked the same as the ride to Yerevan I did a few days ago. Nothing makes sense when your having a ‘down day’. Just after midday I was at the top of a mountain […]
Day 49 – 25th May 2014 Yerevan

The Czech guys woke before me at about 9 as they were off to the airport, I said goodbye to them as they headed off with a can of beer for company. I estimate of the 40 hours they were here they’ve slept 32 of them! I’m not sure they left the hostel for anything […]
Day 48 – 24th May 2014 Yerevan

After a great nights sleep I woke to the smell of cognac, there were bottles everywhere and the guys fast asleep. I got out of the bunk and stepped into a puddle of brandy! Lovely! I met a group Americans who are working for Peace Corp and went to lunch with them, pizza and beer […]
Day 47 – 23rd May 2014 leave 8.30am Miles rode 251 Ardahan – Yerevan

What a day! The women in Yerevan are beautiful. I left early today, nervous about the bike, I was heading for Armenia. Nobody had spoken to me about the country and I hadn’t read anything about it but it was on the map and I was intrigued. I rode out of Ardahan and the sat […]
Day 46 – 22nd May 2014 Ardahan

I had a productive morning, I jet washed the bike, brought oil and at 12.30 I started servicing the bike, ok I wasn’t in a workshop but waste land (the hotel called it their car park). I had some spares, oil filter etc so by about 2.30 when the heavens opened I had just about […]
Day 45 – 21st May 2014 leave 8.15am Miles rode 190 Agri – Ardahan

I left early with the intention of riding to Georgia, after an amazing start it turned bad! The main road to the boarder took a long loop so I decided to go straight over the mountain. My sat nav wasn’t impressed and didn’t recognise the route, my map did. It was about 50km over the […]