Day 31 – 7th May 2014 leave 9.30am Miles rode 197 Iznik – Bodrum

Woke with a slight headache as too much beer and raki with new friends last night, checked out of hotel and back to the shop for breakfast. I thought maybe I should skip breakfast as it may lead to another day in Iznik, which would be ok but I do want to crack on. I […]

Day 30 – 6th May 2014 Iznik

My intension was to leave Iznik early, ride to Bodrum stopping off at Ephesus and the Church of Virgin Mary on route however, I decided to pop into an IT shop for a few minutes at 9.30am and it’s now 2pm and I haven’t left yet. I have been frustrated at not being able to […]

Day 29 – 5th May 2014 leave 9.15am Miles rode 324 Istanbul – Iznik

I packed my things away, said goodbye to a good friend, crossed the Bosphorus and entered Asia again. The difference this time is I don’t know when I’ll be returning to Europe. As I rode away I knew I would return, I hope Ceyhan will come and stay with me one day so I can […]

Day 28 – 4th May 2014 Istanbul

Today might be my last day in Istanbul as I think I’m leaving tomorrow morning to head south so, a day of sorting out stuff. I had a last visit to the city centre and I’m sure everyone will be pleased to know I’ve found the ‘Holy Grail’. Yes Dave (a Monty Python connoisseur), it’s […]

Day 27 – 3rd May 2014 Istanbul

I spent a lazy morning working out a rough route for the next month, then headed into the city to see a few more sights including the ‘Basilica Cistern’ which the Romans Built to store water for the city.

Day 26 – 2nd May 2014 leave 9.30am miles rode 45 Istanbul

I like being in the apartment although it’s away from the city centre so no one to engage with. The apartment is in SW Istanbul and I rode to Ceyhan’s workshop in the NE to service my bike. Although Ceyhan wasn’t there the guy across the way opened up for me and hey, what a […]

Day 25 – 1st May 2014 leave 12.15pm miles rode 31 Istanbul

After a coffee or two Ceyhan headed out with his friend home to Bulgaria for 4 days and I caught up with laptop stuff. It’s ‘May Day’ and last year here in Taksim Square there were riots, I had wanted to observe but before I headed that way I heard there were shootings so Shelly […]

Day 24 – 30th April 2014 leave 6.15pm Miles rode 18 Istanbul

I moved from the hostel to go and stay with Ceyhan today. Ceyhan is a biker from Bulgaria who lives and works here in Istanbul. He has kindly let me stay in his apartment for 4 days whilst he is away. This is great as it will give me time to catch up with IT […]

Day 23 – 29th April 2014 Istanbul

I went to the Azerbaijan Embassy this morning to enquire about a visa and they won’t give me one as I’m not applying for the visa in the country I live in, how crazy! It makes me wonder if some countries want tourist? They won’t get my money or me telling everyone what a great […]

Day 22 – 28th April 2014 Istanbul

I woke to heavy rain and headed up to the restaurant for breakfast. I knew we were central but I didn’t realise from the restaurant The Bosphorus was only a few hundred metres away and the view across was amazing (even in the rain). I decided a day staying in catching up with IT & […]