Day 6 – 12th April 2014 leave 10.00am Miles rode 288 Venice – Zadar

I left Venice and for the next 3 hours I rode until I arrived at the Slovenian boarder, the ride there was overcast, dull and boring. I made the mistake of not listening to music. I arrived in Slovenia and stopped after 100 meters to get a meal, a beautiful, friendly woman welcomed me and […]

Day 5 – 11th April 2014 leave 9.30am Miles rode 253 Silvaplana – Venice

The roads in the Swiss Alps are amazing. I’ve never been through so many tunnels and around so many bends. As I entered Italy the road deteriorated automatically, I stopped before doing the Stelvio Pass and I felt the heat for the first time, insects were flying about, welcome to spring. As I headed up […]

Day 3 – 9th April 2014 leave 9.00am Miles rode 263 Luxembourg – Stockach

As I rode out of Luxembourg it reminded me of ‘The Stepford Wives’ a classic film. As soon as I left Luxembourg and entered France I had an immediate sense of happiness, the French do ‘shabby chic’ so well, just never repair or paint anything, so simple really (stupid English people pay so much to […]