Day 7 – 13th April 2014 leave 10.45am Miles rode 260 Zadar – Dubrovnik

What a great day. The coastal road again amazed me, so many twists and turns, tight bends and long sweeping bends, the blue sea on my right and the mountains on my left. Croatia into Bosnia was a farce, I took an inland route up the mountains and just as I got to the top […]
Day 6 – 12th April 2014 leave 10.00am Miles rode 288 Venice – Zadar

I left Venice and for the next 3 hours I rode until I arrived at the Slovenian boarder, the ride there was overcast, dull and boring. I made the mistake of not listening to music. I arrived in Slovenia and stopped after 100 meters to get a meal, a beautiful, friendly woman welcomed me and […]
Day 5 – 11th April 2014 leave 9.30am Miles rode 253 Silvaplana – Venice

The roads in the Swiss Alps are amazing. I’ve never been through so many tunnels and around so many bends. As I entered Italy the road deteriorated automatically, I stopped before doing the Stelvio Pass and I felt the heat for the first time, insects were flying about, welcome to spring. As I headed up […]
Day 4 – 10th April 2014 leave 8.45am Miles rode 227 Stockach – Silvaplana

I woke to blue skies, The Alps are a few hours ride away and I’m putting as many clothes on as I can in preparation for the cold. The Alps fascinate me and I am so looking forward to riding the mountains, could it be better than yesterday? It was different to yesterday not better. […]
Day 3 – 9th April 2014 leave 9.00am Miles rode 263 Luxembourg – Stockach

As I rode out of Luxembourg it reminded me of ‘The Stepford Wives’ a classic film. As soon as I left Luxembourg and entered France I had an immediate sense of happiness, the French do ‘shabby chic’ so well, just never repair or paint anything, so simple really (stupid English people pay so much to […]
Day 2 – 8th April 2014 leave 8.00am Miles rode 272 Calais – Luxembourg

I left the ‘Formula 1 Hotel’ at about 8am, within minutes I was full of emotion, I screamed and thought maybe I should stop as I wasn’t in control. After 15 minutes I stopped for a coffee and 3 French men were chatting at the bar, one had a beer and brandy, only in France! […]
Day 1 – 7th April 2014 leave 6.15pm Miles rode 0 Chelmsford – Calais

TO BE COMPLETED in 6 MONTHS… The van was meant to pick the bike and me up at 2pm, it was 6.15pm when it finally arrived. 20 minutes getting the bike into then van and strapping it down and we’re off. 1 1/2 hours later we’re in Dover and shortly on the ferry, it was […]